onsdag 14. november 2012

Illusion Suite movie archive

Hello and welcome to Illusion Suite's movie archive. Here you can see the most interesting movies from Illusion suite published the last few years. 

This is a video of the vocal workshop on "Th Iron Cemetery". It contains a A FULL UNPUBLISHED SONG:

First I would like to present our official music video:

Here is a short movie we made after performing at progpower 2010:

Here is our own Jens Bogren doing the mix on our album in Fascination Street Studios in Sweeden:

Here comes a few videos from our studio work on our second album, yet to be released (2013):

Guitar with Kim Jacobsen:

Bass with Dag Erik Johnsen:

Ballad making with Roger Bjørge and Kim Jacobsen. This video will be public a little later when the ballade hits the internet in a while: