lørdag 28. januar 2012

Ullevål sykehus (Norwegian Poem)

Nu skal de gamle få svingt seg litt
Nu skal de gamle få pint seg litt
her på ullevål sykehus underholdnings 

tirsdag 24. januar 2012

Some "undiscovered" metal music you might like

These guys that call themselves Agartha are streaming their whole album. The music is something like progressive black or death metal. It is pretty hard stuff for those who like that.

With Leprous comes a Norwegian progmetal band that has gotten a lot of nice critiques with their last album. It is pretty hard for being melodic prog metal:

Mnemic is a pretty hardcore metal band that has both screaming and mellow vocals:

Here comes a theme based space metal opera about a travel in space and time. It is a very melodic and easy listening piece of metal music:

Here is some pretty catchy, yet rough metal with the Devin Townsend Prjoject - Deconstruction. The video is pretty funny as well: 

If you still have not listened to Myrath I would recommend to do so:

Personally I like their earlier work better.

If you like very catchy and melodic metal that has a similar sound to a lot of pop music you should check out Saint Deamon. They are a great live band:

fredag 6. januar 2012

En manns historie (Norwegian Poem)

Hvor lenge hadde du holdt deg våken for kunsten?
Hadde du traktet kaffe gjennom gamle underbukser for å skaffe resultater?
Jeg gikk lenger
Jeg satt tyve år i mørket
for å få frem dette
Jeg ville ofre alt for menneskeheten
Jeg ville gi verden den absolutte inspirasjon
Min ide om de fortrengte sansers tilbakekomst
har falt i grus
Tyve år har gått 
og jeg føler meg like tom 
som da jeg frivillig gikk inn i min mørke hule
Tyve år av mitt liv
og ikke et ord som kan forandre verden 
har jeg tatt i min munn
En ungdoms ide,
måtte betales med mitt beste gode
Dette må være menneskehetens største sløsing av tid

mandag 2. januar 2012

New vocal amp for the Illusion Suite recording

Hello guys. This Christmas I was going to try out my new vocal amp that I purchased to record the second Illusion Suite album, so I decided to record a few christmas carols as christmas presents for my family.

Unfortunately I had a brand new vocal amp that broke down three times after it had just been fixed. The last time it broke down it was as I was recording these christmas songs. Now, the good news is that I was offered the model that is one step up with free shipping because of all the problems.

First I thought I would present these songs only to my family, but then I figured: why not...so here it is: My own version of "Have yourself a merry little christmas":

 Have yourelf a merry little christmas by Bill Makatowicz

And with this I want to wish everybody a happy new year. May it be a year in the sign of the metal gods, he, he